Monday 17 May 2021

Uncle King Mswati's Blunder: Royal Swazi Police Protect King Misuzulu | Opinion

 The Swazi taxpayer is once again burdened with another royal bill, except this time, it’s for the newly appointed Zulu King Misuzulu Zulu. Misuzulu is reported to have paid a visit to his uncle King Mswati in Swaziland where he picked up a few state security escorts to take back home with him. It seems they’re called the Royal Swaziland Police Service for a reason, but how does the Swazi taxpayer feel about this? We investigated.

Family Ties

The Trade Union Congress Of Swaziland, TUCOSWA, has come put to say that this was a political blunder. Secretary-General Mduduzi Gina is quoted as having said; “We give ourselves comfort that we are hopeful that there is some kind of agreement that was entered into between Eswatini and SA”. Gina noted how Swaziland did not have security jurisdiction in SA, going on to mention that the Zulu monarchy did not have any head of state as part of it. It's also necessary to note how the Swaziland Solidarity Network knew of the plan to protect the Zulu monarch, and they even issued a warning about two months ago.

“Security matters are political. We understand though that King Misuzulu has been in the country, which is second home but when it comes to issues of security, SA should have taken over,” said Gina. Worth noting is the fact that Misuzulu inherited a sizeable portion of his mother’s estate. He also assumed control of the Zulu kingdom’s budget of R79 million a year. Clearly, the king has the money to hire some muscle for his nephew, but why should he when the Swaziland government seems willing?

Uncle Knows Best

The South African government is far more capable of protecting the Zulu king than the Swazis are. R1.7 million in exhibits disappeared from a Swazi police station recently. Swaziland’s Royal Residence Protection Unit and all the police escorts that accompany Their Majesties wherever they go; they’ve all been draining the country’s coffers all this time. How much is it going to take to keep a foreign king safe country with high crime rates during a power transition filled with tension?

The natural thought that comes to mind is one of a caring uncle who is genuinely concerned about his nephew’s wellbeing. That may well be the case, but there are top-notch security companies like SA’s Night Guard that are very much able to take on a project of this magnitude. King Mswati was able to hire South African lawyers when he felt slandered by Zweli Martin Dlamini. Why can’t he turn to the private sector once again for his avuncular obligations?

Swaziland has been carrying royalty on her back for a very long time, and she's showing no signs of stopping any time soon. Is it right for Swazi police and soldiers to defend King Misuzulu? Do you think it's in the best interests of the Swazi people for the Zulu king to be safe, especially when they reign in two different countries? Do you think King Misuzulu will return the favour one day, is that what king Mswati is hoping for? Give us some royal responses in the comments section below, share with a Zulu and a Swazi, and FOLLOW FOR EVERYTHING KING MSWATI!

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