Monday 9 August 2021

Swaziland's Royal Family Must Stop Giving Out Blankets And Food | OPINION

 Billionaires spew words of sympathy with ease, powdering poverty with pap (mealie-meal) as if it was make-up. Yes, Their Majesties love to hand out food items and even blankets. Perhaps they're well connected in Asia where these blankets probably come from. One can only speculate.

From the Palace, with Love


She is not only known for living a luxurious life, not quite. Queen LaMbikiza is a philanthropist at heart. As patron of Lusito Charity Organization, she oversees the humanitarian work carried out in alleviation of the dire conditions in Swaziland. Member of Parliament Macford Sibandze has hailed her as a “pioneer of charity” in Swaziland. Not many people know but the Queen is also a staunch Christian, being a member of one of the local churches and some even say local gospel artists hold a special place in her heart, and maybe her pocket.

For the past 30 years, Queen LaMbikiza has been actively involved in charity work while people accuse her husband of being a greedy and selfish dictator. Worth noting is the fact that the Queens of Swaziland are closely monitored. All their moves are known by soldiers or police for the sake of their safety; mainly for the sake of their safety. Queen LaMbikiza’s activities reflect on the king, so her charity work is as good as his charity work, don’t you think?

After 30 years of her charity managing to meet the needs of poverty-stricken emaSwati, COVID_19 swept through with job losses and food insecurity. This is a great time for Her Majesty to dust off her charity boots and get to work.

Sharing is Caring

News broke recently in the kingdom that two more Rolls Royce were possibly on their way to the royal family, according to the outgoing US Ambassador to Swaziland Lisa Peterson. Blankets have been handed out to many families in the past weeks, thanks to the Queen Mother. Now is a great time to polish the image of the royal family, who knows when those multimillion Rand cars will land on Swaziland’s doorstep? Do you really think the royal family cares for the people of Swaziland? Is a donation of food parcels really enough to fill the hole that only sustainable financial freedom can fill? Wouldn’t you rather the royal family gave out seedlings and land to the people of Swaziland? Are blankets and beans really enough to make it okay for them to ride around in cars worth R10 Million? The cost for the fittings on the royal Rolls Royces; they were reported to cost almost as much as R2 Million. R2 Million as a business injection into that community can make a huge difference, don’t you think? Make like you care for Swaziland, leave a comment below, and FOLLOW FOR MORE ROYAL DLAMINI UPDATES! 


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Swaziland's Royal Family Must Stop Giving Out Blankets And Food | OPINION

  Billionaires spew words of sympathy with ease, powdering poverty with   pap   (mealie-meal) as if it was   make-up . Yes, Their Majesties ...